9:00 – 9:30 – Reģistrācija
9:30 – 9:40 – Atklāšana, LIKTA un VARAM pārstāvji
9:40 – 10:10 – Par projektu, “Eiropas elektroniskais rēķins” (e-Invoices CEF Project), VRAA
10:10 – 11:40 – Christian Rasmussen (ENG)
- Introduction to eInvoicing
- eInvoicing from a user perspective (including ordering and payments)
- Examples of early adopters of large scale eInvoicing – lessons learned
11:40 –12:10 – Kafijas pauze
12:10 – 13:40 – Christian Rasmussen (ENG)
- Introduction to the eInvoice DSI resources and tools
- Governance Models in eInvoicing and eDelivery
13:40 – 14:40 – Pieredzes stāsti
- Rīgas dome
- Hanzas Maiznīca
14:40 – 15:10 – Jautājumi un atbildes, kopsavilkums